Solve global problems
Solving global problems is anything but simple, but Simpol might just have an answer.
Ever wondered why governments are failing to tackle problems like Climate Change or Nuclear Disarmament?
Simpol is a way of understanding the root causes that keep governments from solving global problems. And it offers a powerful way forward.
Issues we solve
Think about it. From nuclear disarmament to climate change, and from wealth inequality to fair corporation tax, Destructive Global Competition - each nation's fear of losing out to others - is the key barrier that prevents action.
You'd be surprised just how many issues need a global and simultaneous approach. Which issues do you care most about?
Join with Simpol
A new direction for solving global problems. A fresh take on doing politics differently. A powerful way to use your vote for global transformation.
And it works!
Thanks to citizens like you, more and more politicians are supporting Simpol. But we need more - many more. So please take action now by lending your support to Simpol. Will you join us?
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